The $10,000 Legacy Challenge
We've been challenged!
Our generous legacy matchers, Barbi and Warren Lazarow, have committed to donating a special grant of $10,000 to Chabad NP.
The Lazarow Family, Legacy Challenge Benefactors
But there's a catch! Chabad NP/Chai must secure ten legacy commitments. Thank you to Sally and David Porush for being our first of ten!
How the Chabad Legacy Challenge works:
• Barbi and Warren Lazarow will provide a ten thousand dollar gift to our Capital Campaign, on condition Chabad NP (or Chai Preschool) receives ten signed legacy commitments.
• To participate, complete the letter of intent form indicating that you are leaving a legacy bequest to Chabad or Chai.
Click HERE for the Letter of Intent
Gifts of a retirement account or life insurance policy will be included as a commitment to the Legacy Challenge. Thank you for your support!
Legacy Challenge Committee: Mr. Mervyn Danker ~ Mr. Bob Tessler ~ Rabbi Yossi Marcus
For more information contact: Rabbi Yossi Marcus 650.453.8136 / [email protected]
For Your Reference:
Chai Preschool Federal Tax ID number is: 20-4801654. Please note: Chai Preschool's full legal name is Chai Preschool Inc.
Chabad NP Federal Tax ID number is: 20-8178258. Please note: Chabad's full legal name is Chabad NP.