Marcus Brothers Perform on Behalf of The Sunday School For Special Needs
24 Adar B, 5765

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In fulfilment of the Rebbe's mivtza Simcha for Adar, the new Chabad band, 8th Day, comprised of the Marcus Brothers, nephews of Avraham Fried, performed before a sold-out crowd at CSM Theater in S. Mateo, a benefit for Chabad's School for Special Needs.

In attendance were Jews from all across the spectrum, and all were inspired and excited by the incredible energy and awesome music. Opening for 8th Day, aka the Marcus Brothers, was another Chabad band, Outpost, led by the veteran shilach Rabbi Yehudah Ferris of Chabad of Berkeley. Before intermission a very impressive video was shown about the Special Needs School, produced by Chani Marcus. During intermission, many Judaic items were sold, such as old Mendy and the Golem's and JEM DVD's.

The concert was a huge success both materially and spiritually, attendees could not remain in their seats and were dancing through the aisles, led by the famous motorcylce rabbi, Rabbi Yosef Langer of Chabad of SF. Many other shlucim were in attendance, such as Rabbi Ari Hecht of the Richmond Torah Center, Rabbi Yisrael Rice of Marin, Rabbi Gedaliah Potash of Noe Valley, Rabbi Reuven Goldstein of Cupertino, marcus concert4.jpgRabbi Dov Greenberg of Stanford, Rabbi Yochonon Friedman of S. Cruz and his esteemed father, the renowned lecturer Rabbi Manis Friedman. The concert was produced by Yudit Goodman and Sheva Wolf, two Lubavitch girls from Melbourne Australia, who are working for Chabad of the North Peninsula.

Yudit Goodman said, one of the concert coordinators, says that "Jewish music has the power to uplift the soul and rejuvenate the heart. We hope the concert will achieve that goal and that people will walk away with a spiritual boost."

Also performing were The Chassidic Ramblers who sing and play a unique blend of modern rock and traditional Jewish music. Their repetoire includes Carlebach, Israeli, Yiddish and their own Chassidic rock.

Links: for sample clips and for info on the special school.

Marcus Bros

Eli   Rabbi Yossi Marcus

Chaim & Zalman   Bentsi

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Shmueli & Bentsi